Tuesday, May 28, 2019

SilverFishlongboarding.com Track-wings lowrider trucks Victor story

These are trucks that I got the idea from a good friend that has been in the biz for awhile. He just happens to have a few good ideas and he inspired me to find the parts to put these together. Old Man Victor calls them TrackWings and I called them LowRiders after one night when I asked him what they wear. So all together they are called TrackWing-Lowriders. After Victors suggestion and his thoughts on them. I've seen Victor ride miles on these over the years and the trucks work just the way you would think. Less height on the board more speed and less height on the ground. All I can say is taking a bunch of left over truck parts and making a good riding truck that does not cost that much but will do the work is great to me. Of course it helps that I do have a lot of leftover parts to do this with. Thank you Old Man Victor for the inspiration on the trucks and the idea's.Description: https://www.silverfishlongboarding.com/forum/images/smilies/eusa_clap.gif
ThanksDescription: https://www.silverfishlongboarding.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gifMan I thought that I would get at least some questions on the bearing spacers or how I made the Gullwing hangers fit the base plates or something. Or the plastic piece in the middle of the king pin. To bad and it cost almost nothing to build them up about $22.00 in the parts and my time and newish bushings. I will tell you once and tell you again that the trucks from the 90's are some of the best trucks for longboards because you get the old school holes and new school holes in the base plates. Can't get that in some trucks of today to bad for them. This is the reason that I am open minded about all skateboard things. You never know one day you might find a diamond in that pile of stuff and need it for something different. Yes I still like Randals and still use them on all my decks. I just wanted something different in what I ride every once and a while.
GriffinSk8Yes you could consider them street trucks of the day. The 
original hangers are 130's so you could say that's what they are. In the mid 90's the trucker's B52’s where not very popular with the street people and where thought of as trash. For a few people that wanted just a good long board truck this one was to small for most of the boards that I was riding at the time. Tracker was not doing well I think and that's why the B-52 came out. There's no name on the truck that says Tracker on it just the ? mark and in that time street ruled the skateboard. Darts came a little later. Yes all of you are right on the Gullwings as a hangers 80's and yes that's what the rings looked like back then. The grind king pin set up was the second thought on the king pin. I wanted to use Gullwing dead bolts king pins but I only had one, so I did have the grind king set up from I think 2000's was the year. All the parts are used and still good to use on a new deck. Still lot's of life to go down a hill. Sometimes old school things can still be used on new styles of boards or the times.