Sunday, December 18, 2011
The Main Inspiration On The Axcelspring Washer Cup
Friday, December 16, 2011
People asking for more with less!!!!
There has been a lot of talk about the cost of our washer's being to muck for the market. Some people want more for less. After seeing what has been said about what I am doing for the skateboard market and the pressure from some small time no back bone week ass's I figured I would explain. After talking with Scott at Muir skate shop. He said you should make these for my skate shop and I will sell them. At first the cost was to high for Scott to except so I was asked around and found a local machine shop that could make them and bring the cost down by doing a bigger order. I did that and we have what we have on the cost of the washers. IT takes a lot to get these made. First is the high cost of the materials then there is a high setup fee and machine time add that all together with packing and a sticker and the stainless steel star washers and my time and labor. Then mark them down to sell them to skate shops and you will find you are just breaking even on all of it. People really we get a 25 cent part on all of our stock truck really. Having a machine shop make as big a run as I could and then sell them to shops. I don't think anyone can know how much it would cost you to start from scratch and have a machine shop make them. Then spend a lot more money on them to have them made. Making it sound like I am all about the money is not right either. All I want is to bring skateboards to the next level that all of you have asked me for. On the smaller runs that I have done I have to do all the extra work of de-burring and the tumbling that is extra labor that is added into the cost of each washer cup. (Machine shops are not cheap!!) Ask anyone who works at one and see how much it would cost.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
New 1/8" adjustable Axcelspring Washers
We will soon be adding the new 1/8" adjustable Axcelspring Washers to our site soon, we will feature a paypal buy now button for them. These will only be available in limited runs. First come, first serve!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Axcelspring Horsehoe Proto Photo
Here is a better photo of the Axcelspring Horseshoe:
The prototypes are out and ready, full production is just around the next corner.
These drop through gems are going to change things on your board for the better..
The prototypes are out and ready, full production is just around the next corner.
These drop through gems are going to change things on your board for the better..

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Axcelspring Prototype Horseshoe

Sneak peek at the Axcelspring Horseshoe plate. This is one of the prototypes fresh off the CNC machine. 6061 t6 aluminum.. Drop thru jewelry for your ride. We've got a lot of new innovations on the burner right now and have 10,000 things going on. We're gonna do everything we can to get all of our new products released as soon as possible! These are going to be the perfect compliment to our new Washer Cups washers.
Stay tuned for more details and info.
6061 t6 aluminum,
drop thru,
griffin skateboards,
san diego,
Sunday, December 4, 2011
West Hem Roll : Review of Axclespring Washer Cups
West Hem Roll recently did a review of Axcelspring Washer Cups. Skaters are starting to realize that skateboard washers can make gigantic difference int the way your trucks and bushings perform.
Longboarders take note, your board wants a set of these for Christmas, except it can't read or write to write Santa a little note! ;)
West Hem Roll review:
Bustin Boards Jeff Vyain - on the Axcelspring Washer Cups
"I have some of these washers on my Grennett and I have to say I am feeling the same thing. Feels as precise as things have ever felt."
We're getting some great feedback on the new machined precision washer cups, people who are riding them are loving them. We have some more shops across the US that will be carrying them soon. We will be adding their links to the Axcelspring Washer Cups page as soon as they receive them and are ready to ship them to customers. Thanks to Jeff Vyain for riding on our Grennett and the washer cups, Jeff is a ripping fast rider for Bustin Boards out in New York. Jeff also won the first Adrenalina Skateboard Marathon.
Secret Long Distance Pumping Spot - Shhhhh!

Photo: Galac
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Axcelspring Washer Cups - Skateboard Truck Washers
Warning! These washers are going to make things too fun! If you like rebound, you'll love these!
Just for the record so there is no confusion, our Axcelspring washer cups are still considered washers. Skateboard washer and washer cups are two things that the same but not the same. But these aren't washer cups in the normal sense of the word. These are like flat skateboard washers, with an internal sleeve that fits inside the bushing for a tight fit. They're still washers, but we call em washer cups, but you can call them washers, it makes no difference.
Longboards, shortboards, downhill, LDP, slalom, freeriding, cruising, sidewalk surfing, it doesn't matter how you skate, these will help take things to the next level for you.
Many skaters underestimate the importance of the role that washers "washer cups" play in the delicate balance between the baseplate, the hanger, the washers, the bushings, the kingpin and the nut. The washers have a huge impact on the way a bushing reacts. Look at Bones Hardcores,they are great bushings for a reason. These washer cups create a super tight fit and hug the kingpin with Swiss watch fit. Once everything is tightened up and ready to roll, you will feel an immediate improvement in the way your trucks turn and rebound. Check em out!
Available from:
Griffin Skateboards:
Muir Skate:
Edge Boardshop:
Just for the record so there is no confusion, our Axcelspring washer cups are still considered washers. Skateboard washer and washer cups are two things that the same but not the same. But these aren't washer cups in the normal sense of the word. These are like flat skateboard washers, with an internal sleeve that fits inside the bushing for a tight fit. They're still washers, but we call em washer cups, but you can call them washers, it makes no difference.
Longboards, shortboards, downhill, LDP, slalom, freeriding, cruising, sidewalk surfing, it doesn't matter how you skate, these will help take things to the next level for you.
Many skaters underestimate the importance of the role that washers "washer cups" play in the delicate balance between the baseplate, the hanger, the washers, the bushings, the kingpin and the nut. The washers have a huge impact on the way a bushing reacts. Look at Bones Hardcores,they are great bushings for a reason. These washer cups create a super tight fit and hug the kingpin with Swiss watch fit. Once everything is tightened up and ready to roll, you will feel an immediate improvement in the way your trucks turn and rebound. Check em out!
Available from:
Griffin Skateboards:
Muir Skate:
Edge Boardshop:
Griffin Delrin Pivot Cups
We've been so busy lately working getting the Axclespring Washer Cups ready out to the world, and working on out upcoming Horseshoe bracket. We didn't get the chance to really pimp our precision Delrin Pivot cups. We're currently offering them for Bennett trucks, and for our Grennett models These are machined from high quality Delrin stock to exact tolerances and make a huge difference in the performance of your Bennett trucks. There is a lip on the top of the cup to make them easier to remove with a flat head screwdriver. When you combine these with a polished and smooth pivot, and a little Griffin Grease, they feel like a poor-mans ball pivot truck. Extremely effective for LDP, slalom, and any sort of pumping. We're selling these for $10.00 for (1) pivot cup, plus shipping. Once you try them you'll wonder how you rode without them in the first place. Our quest for for a precise responsive ride never ends.......... Happy skating!
Double Rainbow Outlaw Race
Griffin Skateboards is co-sponsoring the Double Rainbow Outlaw Race this weekend 12-04-11 at a yet undusclosed location in Temecula, CA. Other sponsors include Loaded - Orangatang, Sector 9, Magic Bearings and Edge Boardshop. See you at the race. I'll probobly have some Axcelspring Washer Cups on hand.. :)
This weekend is the double rain bow race. Here in Temecula, CA. I was asked to sponsor the race, so I am going to offer you a way to win a free t-shirt if you are at the race. The first 8 people to answer the question win a shirt t-shirts are in large and XL sizes. What is my other nick name and who gave me the name. You can find it on one of my sites. I will be handing out free sample of my new prototype parts kit too that if you answer the question you can win. See you at the race. GSK8

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