Friday, December 16, 2011

People asking for more with less!!!!

There has been a lot of talk about the cost of our washer's being to muck for the market. Some people want more for less. After seeing what has been said about what I am doing for the skateboard market and the pressure from some small time no back bone week ass's I figured I would explain. After talking with Scott at Muir skate shop. He said you should make these for my skate shop and I will sell them. At first the cost was to high for Scott to except so I was asked around and found a local machine shop that could make them and bring the cost down by doing a bigger order. I did that and we have what we have on the cost of the washers. IT takes a lot to get these made. First is the high cost of the materials then there is a high setup fee and machine time add that all together with packing and a sticker and the stainless steel star washers and my time and labor. Then mark them down to sell them to skate shops and you will find you are just breaking even on all of it. People really we get a 25 cent part on all of our stock truck really. Having a machine shop make as big a run as I could and then sell them to shops. I don't think anyone can know how much it would cost you to start from scratch and have a machine shop make them. Then spend a lot more money on them to have them made. Making it sound like I am all about the money is not right either. All I want is to bring skateboards to the next level that all of you have asked me for. On the smaller runs that I have done I have to do all the extra work of de-burring and the tumbling that is extra labor that is added into the cost of each washer cup. (Machine shops are not cheap!!) Ask anyone who works at one and see how much it would cost.

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