Saturday, January 5, 2013

Why Is It That People Don't Care??

In my car in PB yesterday and weighting at a light and I am not driving, so just looking around at what is going on in the streets of PB. When I see two kid looking down on the street both have a street skateboard in there hand's and look like they lost something and are getting in the way of other people walking.  Next thing I see is the kid is holding a brand new skateboard with a hanger in one hand and the rest of the complete board in the other hand.  He must of just gotten this for Christmas and already the board has lost it king pin nut and it is unridable.  To see this happen to a young kid that just gotten this skateboard is sad and unsafe to see how skate shops and mall stores just do not care on how a skateboard is assembled right is just not good or safe in anyway.  This poor kid is now going to have to tell mom and dad that his brand new skateboard has fell apart in the few days that he has owned it and what is mom and dad going to do about that?  The other thing that is not good about seeing these boys is that neither one of them had a helmet on.  It goes to show that safety is just still not a factor on the streets of California and this could have been a bad accident that could of happened anywhere on the street. Safety first when it comes to letting your young one go out and skate and think safe to. People in cars are just not as safe as they were 25 years ago they have  cell phone and GPS,TV's, along with eating and drinking at the wheel that will distract them from driving.  No one here in CA really follows the road rules anymore and that to me is scary, to think that  kids are going to have to really learn how to avoid pedestrians, handicapped people,motorcycles,bikes,other skateboards,cars, buses and trucks.  It just goes to show how much people just don't care these day's. There are people that just want to make there money and run don't care what happens to the people after they get there products. Costumer support, you get stuck on the phone and you never get to talk to anyone just keep talking to a automated recording on the other side. What happened to caring about the costumer and people in general have we just got to distracted with life and work and money to no care about anything?

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