Monday, October 2, 2023

Fixing The Problem

 After the last few years,

I thought I was going crazy, it made me so upset about being run around by a bot. I have figured out how. To move on for this and free our minds again. People that want stay away from this sucking our lives away.

First thing to do, Is to make a promos to stop being controlled by FB,FBMP,E-lame and offerup sales page’s. You can buy from all of them but can’t with all cause SELL on them. You can post on your favorite pages, but can’t brag about you buying on these page or talk about that activity at all not ever never. Talk positive on these page and let it loose about others post brag about how great stuff is.

If we separate from all our sale’s  from these pages. We will finally be free and not be controlled by AI or other entities, so that we will be able to sell and trade together as we feel free to do

How to avoid scams and overfeed charges. Best thing to do is if you buy on E-lame you know you will have to over pay. Nothing you can do to stop it. But when doing side sale’s. Avoid using PayPal to pay or you will keep paying a fee every time. This means do it the old school way mail check or Zelle money. High dollar stiff cashiers check only. Shipping we all know shipping is a must and we all have to pay for it best way is to be fair on shipping cost. International, check with the post office. First before shipping out. Make your package as small as possible. Add tracking to you seller as soon as possible. Trades, trader that want the item ship’s to the tradie then the tradie ships on the same day make sure you have clear pictures on the agreement. Show puff of tracking right of way.